domenica 30 settembre 2018

Come leggere il serial number del computer direttamente da windows

Buongiorno a tutti,
 eccoci qui di nuovo a parlare di scripting e di automazione windows.

Oggi vediamo come sia possibile ottenere il Serial Number, il produttore, il produttore della BIOS, ed altre interessanti informazioni direttamente da windows con un piccolo script, che interpella le proprietà della BIOS con vbscript.

Ecco qui lo script.
const ForWriting = 2

set Dic = createObject("Scripting.dictionary")
Set objFSO = createObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject")
Set oShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Set varAmbientali = oShell.Environment("PROCESS")
nomecomputer = varAmbientali("COMPUTERNAME")
fileLog = nomecomputer & "_info.txt"
Set objFileLog = objFSO.OpenTextFile(fileLog, ForWriting, True)

strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
    & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

Set colBIOS = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
    ("Select * from Win32_BIOS")

Set objB = objWMIService.Get("Win32_BIOS").Spawninstance_
for each objProp in objB.Properties_
    dim objProp
    Dic.Add objProp.Name, ""
    REM wscript.echo objProp.Name & ": " & " - tipo: " & TypeName(objProp) & "- Array : " & objProp.value
    REM for each objPP in objProp
        REM For i = 0 to Ubound(objBIOS.BIOSVersion)
            REM wscript.echo ObjB.Properties_(objProp.Name)(i)
        REM next
    REM next

REM for each strPName in Dic.Keys
    REM wscript.echo strPName & ": " & objB.Properties_(strPName).Value
REM next
For each objBIOS in colBIOS
    for each strPName in Dic.Keys
        REM wscript.echo strPName
        REM strCodeT = "wscript.echo strPName & "" - "" & typeName(objBIOS." & strPName & ")"
        REM execute strCodeT
        strCode = "t = typeName(objBIOS." & strPName & ")"
        executeGlobal strCode
        select case t
            Case "String"
                strCode1 = "objFileLog.WriteLine strPName & "": "" & objBIOS." & strPName
            Case "Boolean"
                strCode1 = "objFileLog.WriteLine strPName & "": "" & objBIOS." & strPName
            Case "Date"
                strCode1 = "objFileLog.WriteLine strPName & "": "" & objBIOS." & strPName
            Case "Int"
                strCode1 = "objFileLog.WriteLine strPName & "": "" & objBIOS." & strPName
            Case "Long"
                strCode1 = "objFileLog.WriteLine strPName & "": "" & objBIOS." & strPName
            Case "Variant()"
                strCode1 = "For i = 0 to Ubound(objBIOS." & strPName & ")" & vbCrLf & "objFileLog.WriteLine strPName & "": "" & objBIOS." & strPName & "(i)" & vbCrLf & "Next"
            Case Else
                strCode1 = "objFileLog.WriteLine strPName & "": "" "
        end select
        executeGlobal strCode1
        REM wscript.echo strPName & ": " & objBIOS.
    REM objFileLog.WriteLine "Caption: " & objBIOS.Caption
    REM objFileLog.WriteLine "Build Number: " & objBIOS.BuildNumber
    REM objFileLog.WriteLine "Current Language: " & objBIOS.CurrentLanguage
    REM objFileLog.WriteLine "Installable Languages: " & objBIOS.InstallableLanguages
    REM objFileLog.WriteLine "Manufacturer: " & objBIOS.Manufacturer
    REM objFileLog.WriteLine "Name: " & objBIOS.Name
    REM objFileLog.WriteLine "Caption: " & objBIOS.Caption
    REM objFileLog.WriteLine "Description: " & objBIOS.Description
    REM objFileLog.WriteLine "IdentificationCode: " & objBIOS.IdentificationCode
    REM objFileLog.WriteLine "InstallableLanguages: " & objBIOS.InstallableLanguages
    REM objFileLog.WriteLine "InstallDate: " & objBIOS.InstallDate
    REM objFileLog.WriteLine "Primary BIOS: " & objBIOS.PrimaryBIOS
    REM objFileLog.WriteLine "Release Date: " & objBIOS.ReleaseDate
    REM objFileLog.WriteLine "Serial Number: " & objBIOS.SerialNumber
    REM objFileLog.WriteLine "SMBIOS Version: " & objBIOS.SMBIOSBIOSVersion
    REM objFileLog.WriteLine "SMBIOS Major Version: " & objBIOS.SMBIOSMajorVersion
    REM objFileLog.WriteLine "SMBIOS Minor Version: " & objBIOS.SMBIOSMinorVersion
    REM objFileLog.WriteLine "SMBIOS Present: " & objBIOS.SMBIOSPresent
    REM objFileLog.WriteLine "Status: " & objBIOS.Status
    REM objFileLog.WriteLine "Version: " & objBIOS.Version
    REM For i = 0 to Ubound(objBIOS.BIOSVersion)
        REM objFileLog.WriteLine "BIOS Version: " & _
            REM objBIOS.BIOSVersion(i)
    REM Next
    REM For i = 0 to Ubound(objBIOS.BiosCharacteristics)
        REM objFileLog.WriteLine "BIOS Characteristics: " & _
            REM objBIOS.BiosCharacteristics(i)
    REM Next


In pratica, utilizzando WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation), leggiamo le proprietà possibili della BIOS in un dictionary object e quindi le interroghiamo poi per ogni istanza di BIOS trovata nel sistema (solitamente solo 1 :-) ), a questo punto "componiamo" delle stringhe comando, in base alle casistiche in cui ci troviamo, per rendere leggibile il tutto e poi scriviamo in un file che ha nome del computer.

Happy Scripting!

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